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About Us

We build tailored solutions for organisations and their people with a deep understanding of our clients’ uniqueness, grounded in rigorous analysis and data-driven insight using AI to create lasting, differentiated value.


WELLTH-AI SOLUTIONS is an independent, black-owned healthcare, wellness and consulting firm. Our head office is in Cape Town, while we have a strong
presence in Gauteng and the Eastern Cape. We are the only wellness and benefit consulting company in SA that has a world class artificial intelligence business as a principal shareholder. WELLTH-AI has access to the leading- and cutting- edge technology provided by Cortex Logic. Our offering will be augmented by the undeniable advances of smart technology and digitisation (www.cortexlogic.com).
The founder of the Cortex Group was recently awarded the prize as the leading artificial intelligence person in Africa. Our clients will benefit from the incredible
value that this technology brings to healthcare solutions globally.
Our principal objectives are to significantly and measurably improve the lives of members and employees and to enhance the efficiencies for businesses by using smart technology, artificial intelligence and insight into global trends.

“ T H E  C L I E N T  F I R S T ” A P P R O A C H 

Our team includes people that have built similar businesses on more
than one occasion during the past 20 years. We have human
resource directors of listed companies in our team that are experts
on human resource policy design and implementation as well as
consulting with boards of directors and other stakeholders.
Our domain specific experts have worked in teams on various
business projects previously and have proven to be highly successful
and experienced.
The inadequate level of client focussed service delivery and lack of
independence in the industry calls for a business like WELLTH-AI to
make a real difference to members and their families.
We are a data driven business.
In addition to this, we know that the benefits of technology have
mostly been ignored, due to legacy systems that have become a
major stumbling block in the way of innovation. WELLTH-AI
has done extensive research in this field with the Cortex Group as
AI partner and there is no doubt that the future of effective
healthcare and wellness delivery are “member driven” and
technological solutions.
This deep understanding and ownership of technical and digital skills,
coupled with being client-centric where the real needs (as opposed
to perceived needs) of human beings are recognised and met, are
the only pathways to address the current imbalances, spiralling cost
of benefits and the overall improvement of performance levels
of members and employees.


Our vision is to be recognised as the “THE MEMBER FIRST”
benefit consulting and solutions company in South
Africa. Our business is built and will continue to grow on the
foundation of trust, integrity, outstanding business ethics and
professionalism. Our shareholders and team members strongly
associate with these values. We use technology and artificial
intelligence (AI) to reduce cost, increase efficiencies and service
delivery, and to improve health- and wellness outcomes for our
clients and their employees.


Our mission is to help organisations increase the quality and effectiveness of their members and clients. This is achieved by significantly enhancing the scope and scale of solutions through excellent client service and by using smart technology to reduce cumbersome administrative workflows. We facilitate individual engagement with members and make sure that members connect in a way that matters to them. Increased engagement creates a sense of belonging and improves the physical, financial and mental health and wellness of members.


  • Caring for PeopleEven though technology has and will continue to be a very important part of our lives and shape the way we do business; people are still our greatest asset. In a complex world, we give all people a sense of belonging. We want people to grow in areas that are valued by themselves. We engage, revitalise, encourage and support people and by doing that, we help companies engage with loyal and healthy members.


  • Reliability and responsivenessWe do what we say we will do; we stay engaged with our clients and important stakeholders.


  • Professionalism and integrity –  Our high standards of professionalism are demonstrated at all times, by remaining honest with our clients and treating all clients and members with utmost respect and integrity.


  • Growth mindsetWe believe in the power and ability of a growth- and a positive mindset. By using our human and emotional skills and relying on smart technology, we know that growth for each individual is a reality.

*Wellth-AI is a registered service provider and carries a license from the Financial Sector Conduct Authority.

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